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to move theknives outof their usual location [...]
so that my partner will have trouble finding a knife quickly.
mover los cuchillos de su lugar usual para [...]
que mi compañero tenga problemas encontrándolos rápidamente.
Knives out:QUICK-OUTand you've finished.
Cuchillas fuera: ¡QUICK-OUT y listo!
[...] already getting theirknives outto cut the thread of life.
Los médicos ya afilan los cuchillos para cortar el hilo [...]
[...] have brought theknives outand revived talk [...]
of securing the services of a bigger name.
[...] la contratación de un nombre conocido.
As they cut against a brush roll from below, the point where theknivescomeoutis on the inside of the paper.
Debido a que las cuchillas cortan desde abajo en dirección al cepillo de aireación, la salida de la cuchilla se encuentra [...]
Keepknivesand matchesoutof reach.
Mantener los cuchillos y fósforos fuera del alcance de los niños.
[...] professionalknivesstandoutthanks to their [...]
high-quality, durable materials and ergonomic design as well as
being carefully developed for their intended purpose.
Los cuchillos profesionales de Victorinox se [...]
caracterizan por sus resistentes materiales de primera calidad que se adaptan
a la mano y se ajustan con precisión a cada aplicación.
However - and let me speak plainly - this must include answering the question how the Commission deals internally with information from OLAF, so that this information is not simply buried in the files without anyone knowing about it while everyone has theirknives outfor the Commission.
Sin embargo, permítanme expresarme sin rodeos y decir que hay que incluir una respuesta al problema de gestión interna de la Comisión en cuanto a la información que proviene de la OLAF, para que esta no quede enterrada entre papeles y pase inadvertida mientras todos se la tienen jurada a la Comisión.
While differences of opinion were clearly evident, negotiations were deferred to INC 2,
[...] where, many predicted, the'kniveswill beout.
Si bien las diferencias de opinión eran claramente evidentes, las
negociaciones se aplazaron hasta el INC 2, momento al que, como muchos
[...] predijeron, se llegará 'con la espada desenvainada'.
The place where the Comechingones aborigines inhabited and where rests
[...] of vessels andknivesmadeoutof bone were found.
Lugar donde habitaron los Comechingones y se encontraron
[...] restos de vasijas y cuchillos hechos en hueso.
Keepknives,scissors, firearms, and breakablesoutof the reach of children.
Se deben mantener los cuchillos, tijeras, armas de fuego y objetos que pueden romperse fácilmente fuera del alcance de los niños.
[...] holds only the 23knives,it can easily be pulledouton the right [...]
hand side of the baler.
[...] que soporta solamente las 23 cuchillas, basta con deslizarlo hacia [...]
el lado derecho de la empacadora.
While some of the more senior gang members with access to organised crime may have assault rifles and
[...] [...] these youth carryknivesand make-shift guns madeoutof metal tubing [...]
and bedsprings, often referred to as armas hechizas.
Mientras algunos de los miembros de mayor rango de las pandillas que tienen acceso al crimen organizado pueden tener rifles de asalto y granadas de
[...] [...] mayoría de estos venes llevan cuchillos y pistolas artesanales hechas [...]
de tubos y resortes de cama, a menudo
[...] spoons, forks andknivesare fashionedoutof curved parts [...]
of the bottles but are then coated with copper
curvas de estas botellas para crear
[...] cucharas, tenedores o cuchillos de plástico, que posteriormente [...] [...]
hojalata para darles un acabado metálico.
The activation is carried out by cardan and direct transmission box with free
[...] [...] mounted curvedknivesto carryoutuniform and homogeneous [...]
cutting for the destruction of crop shoots and residues.
transmisión directa con giro libre,
[...] rotor picador con cuchillas curvas montadas intercaladas [...] [...]
y homogéneo para la destrucción del brote y restantes de cultivos.
Always trying to stay ahead in areas such as design and
[...] [...] factory to producekniveswith hollow-outhandle, and was also [...]
the one who introduced in our
Siempre tratando de mantenerse a la vanguardia en aspectos tales como
[...] [...] primera Fábrica en producir cuchillos de cabo hueco, y fue también [...]
quien introdujo el triple fondo
Keepknivesand other sharp objectsoutof reach or in locked or 'childproof' [...]
Mantenga los cuchillos y otros objetos filudos fuera del alcance o en [...]
cajones o gabinetes bajo llave o con 'seguro contra niños'.
Knivesare used to cutoutand remove the [...]
blood-colored flesh, and this leaves upper and lower fillets to work with.
Se utilizan cuchillos para cortar y quitar [...]
la carne roja a causa de la sangre, y así se puede trabajar con los filetes de
The width of these rolls or coils is determined by the
[...] position of theknivesthat carryoutthe cutting process. [...]
La anchura de estos rollos o bobinas viene determinada por
[...] la posición de las cuchillas que realizan el corte, [...]
siendo muy uniforme en todo momento y en toda su longitud.
Precision Series III?knivesare handcraftedoutof unique Multimium® [...]
stainless steel, a high-carbon/high-chromium steel combined with other metals and chemicals to
Los Cuchillos Precision Series III? son hechos a mano [...]
con el exclusivo acero inoxidable Multimium®. Este acero posee un alto contenido de carbono y cromo, que al estar
combinados con otros metales y químicos, hacen que los filos tengan resistencia y firmeza de calidad superior.
[...] and adjustment of theknivescan be carriedoutin a few minutes by [...]
unskilled operators.
[...] la regulación de las cuchillas se llevan a cabo en pocos minutos por [...]
un obrero no especializado.
buckle plates and once,
[...] twice or thrice to threeknivescan carryoutparallel folds and cross [...] [...]
flexibly at request to realize various folding patterns
placas de la hebilla y una,
[...] dos o tres veces a tres cuchillos pueden llevar a cabo pliegues paralelos [...] [...]
y se pueden combinar de manera flexible, a petición de realizar diferentes patrones de plegamiento
[...] kitchen (where theknivesare kept) and stayoutof rooms with [...]
no windows for escape, like the bathroom.
[...] cocina (donde su guardan los cuchillos) y quedase afuera de cuartos [...]
donde no hay ventanas, como el baño.
through the city, ringing bells
[...] and shoutingoutoffers to sharpenknives,sell fruit and [...] [...]
haul away old junk and garbage.
agitando campanillas o gritando
[...] para ofrecer sus servicios: son afiladores, vendedores de [...]
This operation may be carriedoutmanually withknivesor a saw, or automatically [...]
[...] puede hacer de forma manual mediante cuchillos o sierra, o de forma [...]
automática mediante pistola neumática.
world famous Swiss Army Knife, also makes
[...] very high qualityknivesfor the food processing [...]
Victorinox - Victorinox®, fabricante de las más conocidas navajas suizas,
[...] también fabrica cuchillos de gran calidad [...]
para su uso en la manipulación de alimentos y en la cocina.

Translate Knives out. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. KNIVES OUT A Murder Mystery by Rian Johnson SCREEN SCRIPT. THROMBEY ESTATE MANOR HOUSE - DAWN The grounds of a New England manor. MANOR - PANTRY / LIVING ROOM / FOYER / HALLWAY - DAWN INSIDE THE MANOR Unlit and still. Watch the full length movie of Knives Out (En Espanol) online or on the Fios Mobile app. Just log on to your Verizon account and watch the latest shows online. Watch the full length movie of Knives Out (En Espanol) online or on the Fios Mobile app. Just log on to your Verizon account and watch the latest shows online.

Just over a year ago, it looked like an open-and-shut case.

Knives Out Español

In February 2020, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer said during a quarterly earnings call that the company was officially moving ahead on a sequel to Knives Out, the surprise box office and critical smash whodunit starring Daniel Craig and written and directed by Rian Johnson.

But on March 31, in a twist worthy of Agatha Christie, came the reveal that Lionsgate would not be releasing the sequel at all. Instead, two sequels would be made by Netflix, which inked a dagger-driving $469 million deal with Johnson and his producing partner at T-Street, Ram Bergman, both of whom are represented by CAA.

Deal points were noteworthy: The pact gave Johnson immense creative control, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. He doesn’t have to take notes from the streamer. The only contingencies were that Craig must star in the sequels and that each must have at least the budget of the 2019 movie, which was in the $40 million range. Sources say that Johnson, Bergman and Craig stand to walk away with upward of $100 million each.

The other company that missed out on the sequels was MRC, the Beverly Hills-based production firm that financed the first film. (MRC is also a co-parent of THR through a joint venture with Penske Media titled PMRC.) Sources say that MRC had a one-movie deal with Johnson and Bergman, the filmmaker and producer known for critically beloved, modestly budgeted one-off thrillers Brick and Looper before they made Star Wars: The Last Jedi. An MRC rep said the company was “proud” to have partnered with Johnson and Bergman on the first Knives Out and noted that the duo “have always controlled the rights” to the franchise. (MRC is a minority investor in T-Street but it won’t share in the new deal’s windfall as its stake in the production company occurred after Knives Out was already made, giving it no part of that movie.)

Sources note that Lionsgate had what was considered a solid deal in which the company had first right of negotiation and last rights of refusal, all part of the negotiation safety net with which companies normally shield themselves from losing projects. (Lionsgate and CAA declined to comment.) And Johnson and Bergman were considered big backers of the theatrical experience.

But that was before the pandemic hit, theatrical took a nosedive and backend became nonexistent. In January, with the pandemic in full swing and a hoped-for summer production start for a sequel, Johnson and Bergman questioned the near-term viability of theatrical releasing. CAA began shopping the deal and streamers like Netflix pounced hard. MRC and Lionsgate, which in normal times may have gotten the project, could not compete. “It became a perfect storm,” says one insider. “This would not have happened a year ago.”

Knives Out Espanol

For Netflix, despite the price tag, the deal made sense on several levels. The streamer gets an instant and proven franchise with sequels to a film that grossed $311 million globally. And it cannily weakens a theatrical competitor.

“Yes, it’s overpaying, but Netflix is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers,” says one streaming executive familiar with the deal. “It takes a proven theatrical commodity off the board and puts it in their pocket. And it’s another way they re-educate audiences to think of streaming and their company above a studio.”

Knives Out Espanol Latino

For others, the deal shows the leverage sought-after talent is enjoying at this moment, thanks to the competition from streamers. “If you’re talent right now, and you want to bet on yourself, it’s a pretty good time.”

Knives Out Espanol Online

A version of this story appeared in the April 7 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe.