Under construction? …Send in your questions and I will see how to fill this chapter ;-)


Download MovieConverter-Studio for Mac to make DVD videos or edit HD & DV without losing quality. Join or Sign In. Sign in to add and modify your software. Total Video Converter Pro. Videos camcorder converter. MovieCam is designed to handle all video types (with or without 'comb effects') from cameras/camcorders.(This application is the newest version of the old 'MovieConverter-Studio's HD Module' but better;-)).

Question : I am running Mac OS X 10.9+ (Mavericks or newer): I started encoding before bedtime, and it is still not finished this morning! Why is it so slow?

Answer : Apple has introduced a new feature in Mavericks: 'App Nap'. Its theoretical goal is to preserve your laptop battery. In practice, this option applies even to desktop computers and pauses encoding during your absence (so, if the encoding was asleep, it can not be finished when you get back on your computer…).
What to do : MovieConverter-Studio integrates Apple's guidelines to disable this feature, but it seems that it is not very effective!!!
How to manually disable this bug this great functionality :

  • Go to the 'Finder', and select the application 'MovieConverter-Studio'
  • display its information (menu 'File' > 'Get Info')
  • Check 'Prevent App Nap'
…Phew, you just restore the normal behavior: so the encoding will no more fall asleep during your absence ;-)


Question : I registred the application, but I forget my codes. Where can I recover them?

Answer: Click here…


Question : What are the differences between the registered version from the website and the registered version from the Mac App Store?

Answer: Some minor differences:
Both versions allow you to select the destination folder of your conversions. But you could not assign a 'default personnalized destination folder' with the Mac App Store version (it is automatically selected it for you, it's your 'Movies' folder). Why? For safety reasons, because Apple decided safety rules about how to access to your hard drive.
No other functional difference.



Question : What are differences between the standard version and the Pro version ?

Answer: The standard version can output up to HD 720p.
The Pro version can output up to HD 1080p.
The Pro version allows to output 'videos for editing' in ProRes format, with your preferred ProRes.
The Pro version allows more accuracy with 'comb effects' management (the standard version naturally integrates a secure management of fields 'without comb effects' during the broadcast, but this setting is not customizable).
No others differences.


Question : My video has no sound anymore after MCS encoding 'for DVD', however I have Apple's MPEG2 codec which enables me to read this type of video files!

Answer : No concern, it is normal :-)
Your audio was encoded to AC3, the most compatible audio format with DVD hardwares.
But QuickTime cannot read AC3 audio in a '.mpeg' file (nor Perian codec).

Question : What to do?

Answer : Consult your resulting mpeg with VLC: 'yeepee kay-ay, it has sound!'
(and -of course- your home dvd player will play the sound too ;-))


Question : Your 'DVD-VIDEO' module is zero, it will not even accept my '.avi' video!

Answer: The 'DVD-VIDEO' module generates -for you- the complex DVD-VIDEO structure from DVD's compatible files (and proposes to you to burn it).
A DVD-VIDEO has some special needs, only some mpeg videos are compatible with its norm…
How to get these compatible files? By preparing them in the main 'Encoding' module (and select 'DVD' as the output format).
Your .avi (or any other type of file) will be converted 'to DVD'. So, give the converted file to the module 'DVD-VIDEO', which accepts it and will prepare to you a disc ready for your home dvd player ;-)


Question : I'm sure that I have the ProRes codec: I own FCP X, so I own the ProRes component, …isn't it?

Answer: Since the 'Mac App Store' and 'Mountain Lion' system (10.8), a codec is no longer available by default for all the system, but its use is restricted to some applications (depending on its location onto your hard disk). E.g.: the ProRes codec installed by FCP X, is for its private use only.
To allow its access to all applications, follow instructions from Apple.



Question : I still use the old 'Mountain Lion' system (Mac OS X.8 or older). Where can I find a compatible version? Where can I download the previous version 3 of MovieConverter?

Answer : MovieConverter version 3.09 is available here (it's the last version compatible with mac with processors PowerPC or Intel, ans compatible with Mac OS X.6 'Snow Leopard', X.7 'Lion' et X/8 'Mountain Lion').


Question : DV encoding is ugly!

Answer : seeing it with QuickTime Player?
QuickTime integrates a lot of automatisms to display DV files, use VLC to consult it (VLC does not modify -without to prevent you- the way it displays video files).
…and you will see that your DV encoding has an excellent quality :-)

And send in your other questions
(…and I will see how to fill it in future ;-))

Because video processing is too technical to be entrusted to anyone. Because you want to preserve quality during an encoding.
Because you haven't to be a video technician
to obtain good results…
HomeEncodingStudioTelecineComb EffectsF.A.Q.Credits
BUY (Which differences?)Movieconverter-studio pro free


Version Pro:



Version 4.01, (…corrected) High Sierra, subtitles, re-wrap, chapters, 3D, etc , 2018-05-12
MovieIndex requires an Intel processor, and a system from Mavericks (Mac OS 10.9) to High Sierra (10.13)

Definition :
A film for the cinema is shot at a rate of 24 fps.
Video for television uses a different number of frames: PAL = 25 fps and NTSC = 29.97 fps.
Telecine and transcoding are the techniques which will modify your source file to allow a readout on tv screeen without jerkiness. MovieConverter Studio includes both :-)

Some software (freeware, shareware and commercial) brings this 'pseudo-functionality' to you. They only put your source footage at the right size (with no care about keeping contents) and duplicate or remove images without care too (just to adapt the framerate).
To my knowledge, the only other (non-commercial) telecine software is JES Deinterlacer (very good but not very 'user friendly').

According to the geographical area where you live, videos must have the right size and the right number of fps.
A compatible video for the American territory's television (NTSC standard) is not compatible for the European or Australian television (PAL standard).
To have a DVD play in the optimal way, you must convert the video into the standard of your country.

If you just encode an NTSC source file to the PAL standard (with any software: freeware, shareware or even commercial like iDvd), you will get:

  • A change of size without keeping the contents (basic adequacy of the size of the source file to the size of the standard's target).
    Then, possible/probable 'comb effects' in the image, which will make watching it rather unbearable!
  • The video will be very jerky (because it is just forcing the number of fps to match to the rate of fps standard's target).

Bof :-(

Here is the value of a true of a true telecine's software :-)

Since the Internet, the concept of geographical source doesn't mean anything anymore. A video of European origin is distributed through the Net to America and Japan (and vice versa).
Why are there 2 formats anyway? For historical reasons of original compatibility with the frequencies of the electrical supply networks (but this is not our concern).

PAL has 25 fps,
NTSC can have 2 framerates:

  • NTSC FILM = 23.98 fps (approximately 24 fps, more precisely 24,000/1001 fps, about the equivalent to the film standard of 24 fps).
  • VIDEO NTSC = 29.97 fps (approximately 30 fps, more precisely 30,000/1001 fps).

Movieconverter-studio Pro Download

There are several ways to 'telecine' using MovieConverter Studio:

If you encode a NTSC source file (24 or 30 fps) into PAL (25 fps), just select the standard corresponding to your area, MovieConverter Studio will:

Movie Converter Studio Pro Crack

  • Slow down or accelerate slightly your source to adapt it to the target standard (and will manage the audio in the same way so they remain synchronized). This is telecine.
  • or it will re-create frames to make a stream with a framerate compatible with the standard you chose. This is transcoding.
  • the size of the source file will also be modified without either losing interlacing, or creating these awful 'comb effects' in the frame.
  • or it will keep the framerate and the size of your source, if your target doesn't need modification ;-)

So, with MovieConverter Studio you get no jerkiness in spite of framerate conversions, no audio and video desynchronization (both will be re-formatted if needed) and no loss of fields if your source file was interlaced.

Movieconverter-studio Pro App

So click and that's all (it's automatic)!

Movieconverter-studio Pro -

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